Habit Tracker WebApp

  • Tech Stack: NodeJS, ExpresJS, EJS, Javascript, MongoDB, HTML, CSS
  • Website URL: Link
  • Github URL: Project Link

Description- A web application which help you to create, update, delete and track your habit on daily basis. It is user specific app, which mean a user can track their habit, and mark it as done , or not done. The project is built using a tech stack consisting of Node.js for the server-side scripting. Express for handling HTTP requests and routing. MongoDB for storing and managing the data and EJS for rendering the views and templates.


  • Sing-up/Sign-in into your account
  • Click on the "Add Habit" button to create a new habit.
  • Enter the name of the habit you want to track.
  • Click on the "Save" button to save the habit.
  • To mark a habit as complete/incomplete for the day, simply click on the corresponding icon.
  • To delete a habit, click on the "Delete" icon next to it.
  • To see today's habits, click on "Show Daily" button.
  • To edit a habit, click on the "Edit" icon next to it.